Baptist Mission
Bundh Road

Milton Adhikary
Accountant cum Warden
Baptist Mission Boys' School Hostel was established when School founded in 1914 and respectively in Bundh Road, Barisal, Bangladesh, by BMS Missionary Rev. William Carey, who was the grandson of Rev. Dr. William Carey. This Hostel is running under the guidance of Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha (BBCS). The BMS Missionaries were observed that there is no suitable school and hostel over the southern part of Bangladesh where the poor village’s girls can study. So they established a Girls’ Hostel in the Baptist Mission Girls’ School campus, Barisal.
From the beginning BMS Missionaries were control this school & hostel with their financial support and when the Sangha (BBCS) established with their guidelines and they worked through its.
There are hundreds of students’ lives in this hostel and they get opportunity to study at this school. Now this hostel is running with the view of BBCS and their own principal.