Christian Hospital Chandraghona (CHC):
P.O: Chandraghona, P.S: Kaptai
Rangamati Hill District
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CHC is registered under the Social Health and Education Board of the
Bangladesh Baptist Church Shanga.

Dr. Probir Khyang
Christian Hospital Chandraghona (CHC) is situated 45km north-east of Chittagong city, in the administrative area (upazila) of Kaptai within Rangamati Hill District, Bangladesh. This hospital was established in 1907, by the Baptist Missionary Society, U.K. It started as a small health centre, initially providing clinic based primary health care and slowly grew into the main referral centre for the whole of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and also part of neighboring upazilas of Chittagong District. CHC has been working in both curative and preventive health, and has been rewarded by strong confidence and acceptance of its service from the whole population of CHT especially the tribal groups. The hospital is fully-staffed and has a new hospital building, which includes all basic and essential medical, surgical, obstetric and pediatrics facilities.
General Hospital (CHC)
The general hospital provides a wide range of basic essential medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, and other clinical services, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. On the ground floor, three operating theatres are kept busy and are ready to perform emergency operations any time of the day or night. The outpatient department is also on the ground floor.
Nursing Training Institute (NTI)
Nursing Training Institution started its first training course in 1931. It has been expanding gradually considering the need. The Training School for Nurses was recognized by the Bengal Nurses Registration Act in 1937. At the end of training the students become capable to earn a salary to support their families.
Community Health Program (CHP)
Comprehensive Community Health Program under Christian Hospital Chandraghona (CHP) started operating fully in January 2007 to provide quality service to the marginalized people in 75 villages. Female Basic Medical Workers (BMW) are selected from permanent resident and trained who can provide immediate diagnosis and treatment of the working areas The BMWs frequently visit every household to register the new pregnancy for providing ANC. All mothers and babies are visited in some hard to reach areas, where the people mostly use traditional healers rather seeking scientific medical help.
All of the administrative work for the whole of CHC including CLC, CHP and NTI) is undertaken by 12 administrative staff. The Medical Director is also the Chief Executive and is supported by the Finance Director who has a team of 11 office staff. Their responsibilities include:
Dr. Probir Khyang is the Acting Medical Director of CHC, CLC, CHP and NTI.