77 Senpara Parbata, Mirpur-10
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Telephone : +88 02 9002291, +88 02 9003098
Fax : +880-2-9003098
Mobile : + 88 01715499337
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.bmis-bd.org


Gloria Chandrani Baroi

Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS) is an institution of Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha (BBCS). BMIS’s management committee forms by the BBCS. SHED Board is the social development wings of BBCS and the executive authority BMIS. The BBCS formed a school management committee with 09 members for every 04 years smoothly school operation. All the policies and objectives of BMIS control by the school management committee.

Baptist Sangha School for Blind Girls (BSSBG) began in 1977 with five blind girls at a rented house in Mirpur in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The founder of the organization is Rev. Veronica Ann Campbell. Christofel Blinden Mission (CBM)-Germany was the founder partner of BSSBG. From January 2007, an inclusive education for both blind and sighted children started, and the name of the school has been changed to its present name, Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS).


The Institution has been providing services for the past 30 years to the visually impaired girls as well as women in Bangladesh, and even now, it is the only residential school for blind girls in Bangladesh. The Institution has continued its services with assistance of BMS (Baptist Missionary Society)-UK, MODEN-Japan, Alcester, Dark and Light and other friends at home and abroad. The institution is a non-profit organization for visually impaired girls, destitute children and women, orphans, and the most neglected in the family and society. The institution invites and welcomes all blind girls aged 5 to 18 years irrespective of caste, creed, or religion.

School Committee of BMIS:

Mr. James Prodip Biswas                                - Chairman

Reverend John Karmakar                               - Member

Mrs. Molina Karmakar                                    - Member

Mrs. Joymoni Singh                                       - Member

Mrs. Silvia Shantosri Mazumder                      - Member

Reverend Louise Lynch                                  - Member

Mr. John Sangma                                          - Member

Mr. Natun Bikash Chakma                              - Member

Mrs. Tina Adhikari                                         - Member       

Mrs. Joanna Baby Sarkar                                - Member

Mrs. Gloria Chandra Baroi                    - Member Secretary