Christian Leprosy Center Chandraghona (CLC):

P.O: Chandraghona, P.S: Kaptai
Rangamati Hill District
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CLC is registered under the Social Health and Education Board of the
Bangladesh Baptist Church Shanga.


In 1913, A man came to Christian Hospital Chandraghona and was diagnosed as person affected by Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) and that was the starting point of Christian Leprosy Centre (CLC) to serve the people affected by leprosy with dedication and compassion. Today, Christian Leprosy Centre (CLC) continues as the main centre of referral for the treatment of leprosy complications in greater Chittagong division and covering approximately 26 million people.

Due to fund crisis reconstructive surgery is not available in CLC right now but CLC offers inpatient and outpatient care for patients with acute reactions, ulcers and other complications of leprosy. It is seen that more than 90% of the admitted patients are receiving ulcer care. Rehabilitation is enabled with our active physiotherapy and footwear department.

The footwear department is an important part of rehabilitation and mobility of our patients. This is a valuable service that enables patients to maintain a normal standard of living as well as protecting them from further complications.

The patients we receive are amongst the poorest and least regarded in society. At CLC, we not only treat patients’ complications, we try to treat them with respect. But this legacy needs to be guarded and we ask everyone to join us in prayer that God will help us continue to serve and love those who come to us for help

CLC is running by subsidization from the income from CHC General Hospital. All patients get free medicine, free treatment, food and necessary devices full free from hospital. We are thankful to The Leprosy Mission International Bangladesh (TLMIB) and Life River for supporting us to meet the expenses to continue CLC activities.  



Dr. Probir Khyang