David Singha,
In Charge,
Phone: 01728567963

David Chandra Singh
In Charge
SHED Board is presently operating one boys’ hostel & one girls hostel in Dinajpur and one children village in Khulna under its education program.
A large number of inhabitants of the villages under the northern districts of Bangladesh like Dinajpur, Rangpur and Rajshahi are ultra-poor and deprived from the mainstream of development. In 1796 Baptist Mission bays’ hostel was established in Dinajpur with the financial assistant of British business man, Mr. Robert Arthington to improve the socio-economic status of the church people through providing proper lodging and education of their children who are poor and orphan. Through the hostel many of the tribal boys have been availing the facilities to obtain higher education.
SHED Board/ BBCS felt the need to improve the hostel and with the support of KNH Germany they developed the structure of the building adding more facilities for the students alone with food, cloths, schooling, treatment and other necessaries with free of cost.